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Emergence: Threshold Series Book I Page 13

  Every cell in my body burned. I awoke in a cold sweat, the vivid dreams still haunting my mind. I felt Adam’s skin against me and I moved closer to him. It was horrible, a nightmare that was unique to the jungle. I saw myself lying on the ground, the entire forest asleep. There were small black ants all around me. They began to crawl on my arms, but I couldn’t move or make myself wake up. Slowly the ants multiplied and they covered the whole floor of the forest, a thick black writhing carpet that swelled over me. I could still feel their bites when I awoke, and it was near impossible to shake the deep shiver that wracked my body. I must have cried out because Adam awoke next to me.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked, rubbing his eyes.

  I looked around frantically. No ants. “Nothing, just a nightmare,” I responded slowly, trying to calm myself.

  “It’s probably the aftereffects of tea.” He said softly, brushing his hand against my forehead.

  “Probably so,” I whispered... “Adam?” I couldn’t stop myself. The dream was still disturbing me, so I distracted myself.

  “Yeah?” He was still touching my face.

  “Did you ask Commander Marshall to hire me?” I had to know. The question had been lingering in my mind since I first overheard their conversation.

  “Did I what?” It took a moment, but the question seemed to startle him awake. “Well, to be honest, yes. I did.”

  “I thought so… but why?” If I was good at anything, it was relentlessly pursuing my goals. Relationships had never been my strong point, and Adam... well he was definitely more confusing than anything.

  “I thought we could use someone like you for our team.” He sighed and it sounded both wistful and hopeful.

  “And? Have I lived up to your expectations?”

  “So far?” He asked and I nodded in response. “Yes, you have exceeded my expectations on all fronts.” When would he be serious?

  Still, the way he talked about the team was interesting. He and Commander Marshall had both mentioned “the team”. Surely, Adam, Ellis, and I were not much for a team.

  “I’ll have to get you to put that in writing.” I joked, but I could see that he was exhausted. I rested my head against his shoulder and finally, my own eyes began to grow heavy.

  “We can talk about it in the morning,” He smiled tiredly. “Good night.”

  “Good night,” I mumbled.

  I awoke the next morning, with no stiffness despite the night spent on the hard ground. Though most everyone else was still sleeping, I flipped through the notes I had taken the night before. Clearly, the tea had strong psychoactive properties. Achi had said it was made from the Vines. I had to get back to the lab to test the idea that was developing in my mind. I woke Adam and we quickly made our way out, Achi was thankfully awake to let us out.

  I almost ran back to the lab. Adam followed me, but I didn’t have time to explain. I had to confirm my suspicions. I quickly turned on a microscope and pulled out a slide. I shaved off a thin piece of the outer layer of the vine, including the waxy coating, and began to examine it. There was an organized structure to the plant matter. I knew it contained psychoactive properties, but it did something else too. It managed to organize things, and allow them to behave as though they have consciousness. It was the way the vines behaved in the structure that gave it away. I studied the slide while longer before Adam asked, “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

  “Do you know what an emergent property is?” I asked.

  “Like when something simple forms something complicated?”

  “Yes, that’s right. Humans, for example, could be considered a type of emergent system because we are made of all these individual parts, organs, tissues, cells, and so on. Each part is very simple, but when you look at them all together they make something much greater than the sum of their parts. They form consciousness somehow.” I checked to make sure he was still with me. The connection to Starlings finally made sense. The forest had somehow developed an emergent property and the vine was somehow allowing the different parts to access that. “If I’m right, I think the Jungle is an emergent system.” I finally said.

  “What? You mean the Jungle is conscious?” His face was frozen in disbelief.

  “I think so. I think the psychoactive properties of the vine are allowing the lower levels of the system to express that.” I couldn’t help but feel that the vision I had been shown, was trying to tell me something. It was trying to communicate with me. “It explains everything: the strange hallucinations, the unnatural size of the flora and fauna, the reason why the Threshold hasn’t reached Sector 4. The forest is protecting itself.” I almost shouted in exhilaration as the insanity of the truth hit me.

  “I think it’s time,” Adam said seriously. Did he think I was crazy?

  I looked at the clock and it was noon already. I jumped up and made my way toward the Commander’s office with my teammate in tow. It was off the main atrium of the Shell. I was surprised when he invited both of us in. It was a sprawling room, with almost no furniture except a large wooden desk and a few chairs. He sat down and gestured for me to take a seat as well.

  “What do you know about the Project here in Sector 4 so far?” The Commander asked me.

  “Um-- The Alliance is trying to create some sort of base,” I stalled not sure what answer he was looking for. “I am meant to determine the suitability of Sector 4 as a location for this base.”

  “Why do you think they chose Sector 4?” He was serious now. His eyebrows were pulled tightly together.

  “Well, it exhibits certain traits that are unusual, and it lacks the challenges that other locations might have.” I had to be careful with my words here. After all, kind as he may be, the Commander is still an Alliance officer.

  “You can say it.” He was sharp. Was he trying to get me to admit something? Did he already know something?

  “It seems that the overall environmental conditions here are unique.” I strained to stay diplomatic.

  “Yes, that is certainly the case. I think it’s best for us to learn everything we can about those conditions, don’t you?” His words were pointed.

  “I think so, but it seems that not everyone agrees with you,” I responded with the most casual tone I could maintain.

  “That’s the problem really because I think this is the most important reason why you are here. However, in order to do this work, we have to remain out of the attention of those who don’t understand. Do you understand what I mean?”

  “I think so… You want me to find out why things are the way they are, but without bringing any undue attention on myself.”

  “That’s right.” His voice remained neutral, but his face was conveying his intensity. “Or on anyone else, who might be asking those sorts of questions.” He looked at Adam.

  “And Officer Ridley?” I asked.

  “Ridley is concerned first and foremost with his position in the Alliance, but He seems to believe that you have something to do with the protesters outside Sector 4.” The Commander didn’t seem concerned but I felt the need to defend myself.

  “I assure you, Sir, I didn’t have anything to do with any of that.”

  “I know.” He said simply. “I know you didn’t have anything to do with it because I did.”

  “What?” I choked out. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Was the Commander confessing to treason?

  “We brought you here for a reason Lane. We thought you would be able to help us.” He said carefully.

  “Who is “us”?” I asked, looking at Adam. He didn’t seem shocked by any of it. He already knew.

  “The Resistance,” said the Commander simply.

  To Be Continued in Book II.

  Thanks for taking the time to read Emergence. I appreciate every reader who has spent time reading something I wrote. Please leave a review if you are able to. It is the most important thing that you can do to support the Authors that write the books you love. I really appreciate hearing your feedb
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